Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Gaming Life Cycle

Click, View, Enjoy, Comment if you want

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Now what am I?

Click, View, Enjoy, Comment

Philosophy is a problem, a wooden bat is the solution

  View, Comment, Enjoy (Click if you want to, but that's your call)


I just wanted to give a shout out to both of our regular followers (yeah, we get google analytics, we know there's only two) for still checking in occasionally to see if we posted something, so here's our apology once's not that we don't's just that they didn't teach "Following Through 101" at the academy of Doing Things..

Well, my co-poster, Hamza is married to this great gal named Jenny and...well let's be honest, he's still holding onto the 3 snaps that I asked him to make comics out of and unless something with people in a Yellow Shirt and some Chinese vases shows up, you'll just have to bear with whatever I have to post.

Now, here's round 3.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Something's funny, but not all the time

We, the owners of this blog would like to apologize for not having posted a new comic in the past few days. Although our laziness can be blamed, but as it turns out, that's not our only problem. So, while we're dealing with these things, here're some questions you might ask yourself:

1- Why would anyone buy the new Gameboy ripoff of a PSP?
2- Why does a single disappointment let a perfectly stable person turn into a mismanaged bail of hay?
3- Now this one's a ticker....2+2+5/3 x 32 = what? (No I'm not asking for the answer, I'm just going like stone cold)
and the all time famous.
4- Whaaaazzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa????????

Note to User: The relevant part was just the first 2 lines, the rest is all filler